Parent/Teacher Association (PTA)

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PTA Letter with translations

Welcome to the Parent Teacher Association of P.S. 48

All guardians and/or parents of a student(s) currently enrolled in P.S. 48 Mapleton are automatically part of the Parent Teacher Association.

What is your role as a general PTA member?

  1. You can volunteer your time to help at any of our fundraising events throughout the school year.
  2. Join our monthly PTA meetings to get updates on PTA events, treasury report, SLT (Student Leadership Team) updates and information from our Principal, Ms. Hogan.
  3. Vote on where you would like to see our raised funds donated.
  4. All have the chance to nominate themselves to be part of our PTA executive board (elected by vote).

What does the P.S. 48 PTA Executive Board do?

  1. We work together to hold events and functions that benefit our school financially and academically.
  2. Our fundraisers are carefully planned to appeal to our students and families.
  3. We ensure all money raised is used as stated and agreed upon by members of the executive board, as well as the general membership
  4. We hold events for our graduating classes (pre-k, kindergarten, 5th grade)
  5. We support social emotional learning and academic development through our PTA CARES events.

What is PTA CARES?

  1. PTA CARES (celebrating and recognizing extraordinary students) are events that caters to both the social emotional and academic child.
  2. Parents in our general membership may volunteer to help at these events.

Meet the Executive Board for the 2024-25 School Year

Laura Ip, President: parent of students in 1st and 5th Grades. This will be Laura’s fourth year on the PTA Executive Board; one year as treasurer and 3rd year as president. She is a former Sylvan Learning Center Director of Education and 4th Grade teacher in the private school system. We are happy to have Laura serve the P.S. 48 community and represent the hard-working parents in our school.

Cory Thompson, Vice-President: parent of students in kindergarten and 5th grades. This is Cory’s first year on the PTA Executive Board fulfilling the role of Vice-President. Cory runs a small business as a private trainer and is an advocate for community service. Cory is also part of our SLT (student leadership team) helping to make educational decisions that best suit the needs of our student population. We are happy to have Cory with us this year!

Bernadett Toth, Treasurer: parent of student in 2nd grade. Bernadett spent a year as a general membership volunteer at many of our PTA events. She proved to be a hands-on volunteer and provided insight into many ideas we had as an executive board. This is her second year serving on the executive board, one year as secretary and this year as our treasurer. We are excited for her continued insight to help direct the PTA on the right path.

Karen Li, Co-Treasurer: parent of students in 1st , 2nd grade, and 5th grades. This is Karen’s second year serving on the PTA Executive Board. We are happy to have her devote her time and energy to the school community and look forward to working with her throughout the year.

Bing Liu, Secretary: parent of students in kindergarten and 2nd grades. This is Bing’s third year serving on the executive board, first two years as co-secretary and this year as secretary. Bing has been a tremendous support in volunteering her time and insight in making sure all PTA events run smoothly. She has wonderful ideas, and we are happy to work with her again. She is a devoted mother of two and provides a wonderful example of balancing family life and volunteering for her school community.

Jing Jing Zou, Co-Secretary: parent of students in 2nd and 4th grades. This is Jing Jing’s first year serving as Co-Secretary on the Executive Board. Jing Jing helped in many PTA events last year, and proved to be someone we can rely on. We are looking forward to working with her this year!