General Response Protocol (GRP)

Dear Families,

I am writing to provide you with information about the Emergency Readiness Initiatives that are in place in all NYC Public Schools.

Every school currently has procedures for emergencies. In 2000, New York State Education Law Section 2801 was enacted requiring schools to develop safety plans regarding emergency response. In July of 2001, the law was amended to require that plans include information for evacuation and sheltering. In accordance with this, “schools need to conduct drills and other exercises to test components of the emergency response plan.” In July of 2024, the Education Law was revised to include Trauma-Informed Care in the training and practice of all emergency drills.

Our school has a Building Response Team that is trained to activate and respond to different incidents that may occur at our school. In addition, school staff members are trained in various procedures that are outlined in the School Safety Plan and we currently conduct a variety of drills throughout the year to prepare our staff and students. Section 807 of the New York State Education Law requires all schools to conduct a minimum of 12 emergency drills each year. Section 917 of the State Education Law states that schools are required to provide and maintain automated external defibrillator (AED) equipment, and drills are conducted during the year to assess the use of AED units in an emergency. In accordance with Section 3623 of the State Education Law, drills are also conducted at schools that focus on safety on a school bus.

Under the General Response Protocol (GRP), every school will conduct specific drills designed to help prepare all school communities for four different types of response to emergencies that may occur: evacuation, shelter-in, hold, and lockdown.

Emergency readiness training in schools takes place in September and continues for staff and students throughout the school year. Student training is designed by grade level to ensure that students understand the importance of these drills without causing unnecessary alarm. In accordance with our Trauma Informed Care approach, our drills will not include any props, actors, simulations, or other tactics intended to mimic a school shooting, incident of violence, or other emergency. Our staff will review the proper actions in either an evacuation or lockdown drill to discuss any concerns or fears a student may have and we will provide notice to parents and those in parental relations regarding drills within one week before each drill. Drills will not occur until after annual training in emergency procedures has been provided to students and staff.

It is important for families to update the Emergency Contact Cards that are on file in our main office. You are also encouraged to create and maintain an accurate NYC Schools Account. This information includes providing and updating information indicating phone numbers, and the names of adults to whom the school may release children in an emergency. Families are also encouraged to register with Notify NYC ( to receive information about emergency events, and call 311 for additional information about a school during an emergency.

We encourage you to play a role in our trauma informed approach by reviewing the General Response Protocols attached to this letter. Opportunities for parent engagement are available at our school to ensure that families are involved in our school-based emergency readiness program. Parent versions of the School Safety Plan are available upon request in the main office, and information explaining the GRP is included with this letter. Many other important resources for families are also available by visiting


Colleen Hogan
